================================================ The Single Best Method to raise Software Quality ================================================ There are always candidates for this. Everyone has a Silver Bullet they think is perfect. Well so do I, and as you are reading my book, I am right ! :: Small Teams, owning one complete thing. This is often known as the "two pizza team" idea froma Amazons' Bezos, where a single "job" (running the analytics dashboard for the marketing departmetn) should be done and owned completely by one team, and that team should be no larger than what two pizzas can feed Bezos pegs that at something like 6-8 people, which to me implies either heroic pizza sizes or people with very small appetites, but one gets the idea. This idea neatly sits in another "architectural" level idea - Microservices. But it also sits with a business organisation idea - Amazon does not have sprawling departments, it has tiny co-operating teams. These teams form internal alliances and By mandating small teams, one gets complete job ownership, and the quality that comes with caring and mission, one gets minimised It has enabled Amazon to grow with only minimal organisational structure, but some caveats apply. Famously Amazon has very strong internal Goverance - the famous data sharing edict that led to AWS. Without this sort of internal Governance, co-operatin becomes way way harder. Standards are needed. Howe we take the lessons of amazon and build genuine external marketplaces means how well we learn lessons of governance.