====================== PostgreSQL Cheat Sheet ====================== I am sure I stole this from somewhere but I cannot find the source. Please take this with a degree of plagarism. Start off:: CREATE DATABASE dbName; CREATE TABLE (with auto numbering integer id) CREATE TABLE tableName ( id serial PRIMARY KEY, name varchar(50) UNIQUE NOT NULL, dateCreated timestamp DEFAULT current_timestamp ); Add a primary key:: ALTER TABLE tableName ADD PRIMARY KEY (id); Create an INDEX:: CREATE UNIQUE INDEX indexName ON tableName (columnNames); Backup a database (command line):: pg_dump dbName > dbName.sql Backup all databases (command line):: pg_dumpall > pgbackup.sql Run a SQL script (command line):: psql -f script.sql databaseName Search using a regular expression:: SELECT column FROM table WHERE column ~ 'foo.*'; The first N records:: SELECT columns FROM table LIMIT 10; Pagination:: SELECT cols FROM table LIMIT 10 OFFSET 30; Prepared Statements:: PREPARE preparedInsert (int, varchar) AS INSERT INTO tableName (intColumn, charColumn) VALUES ($1, $2); EXECUTE preparedInsert (1,'a'); EXECUTE preparedInsert (2,'b'); DEALLOCATE preparedInsert; Create a Function:: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION month (timestamp) RETURNS integer AS 'SELECT date_part(''month'', $1)::integer;' LANGUAGE 'sql'; Table Maintenance:: VACUUM ANALYZE table; Reindex a database, table or index:: REINDEX DATABASE dbName; Show query plan:: EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM table; Import from a file:: COPY destTable FROM '/tmp/somefile'; Show all runtime parameters:: SHOW ALL; Grant all permissions to a user:: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON table TO username; Perform a transaction:: BEGIN TRANSACTION UPDATE accounts SET balance += 50 WHERE id = 1; COMMIT; Basic SQL --------- Get all columns and rows from a table:: SELECT * FROM table; Add a new row:: INSERT INTO table (column1,column2) VALUES (1, 'one'); Update a row:: UPDATE table SET foo = 'bar' WHERE id = 1; Delete a row :: DELETE FROM table WHERE id = 1; =========================== Using PostgreSQL on FreeBSD =========================== Find enum types:: dbtest=> SELECT pg_type.typname AS enumtype, dbtest-> pg_enum.enumlabel AS enumlabel dbtest-> FROM pg_type dbtest-> JOIN pg_enum dbtest-> ON pg_enum.enumtypid = pg_type.oid; enumtype | enumlabel --------------+------------ cnxrole_type | author cnxrole_type | maintainer cnxrole_type | copyright (3 rows) Setting up postgres on FreeBSD ------------------------------ :: $ make install clean $ /usr/local/bin/postgres -D /usr/local/pgsql/data for some reason everything gets put into /usr/local/pgsql/data - the config files and so on. Configuration and users ----------------------- * postgresql.conf For local service:: listen_addresses = 'localhost' and in pg_hba.conf:: host all all md5 We change ``trust`` to ``md5`` so that it exxpects user/password $ createuser -sdrP test1 Enter password for new role: Enter it again: pgsql$ sudo su - pgsql $ /usr/local/bin/createdb dbtest -O test1 encoding=UNICODE $ $ psql -U test1 -d dbtest ... dbtest=# CREATE USER repo WITH PASSWORD 'repopass'; CREATE ROLE dbtest=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE dbtest to repo; GRANT pgsql$ psql -h -U repo -d dbtest Password for user repo: psql (9.2.1) Type "help" for help. dbtest=> (NB localhost will try to use Unix domain sockets so use For network server:: listen_addresses = '*' Logging ------- Normally we want to :: log_destination = 'syslog' logging_collector = off For development purposes we usually want to watch the SQL fly past:: log_destination = 'stderr' logging_collector = on log_directory = 'pg_log' log_filename = 'postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log' log_statement = 'all'