======= Testing ======= Two kinds ---——— There are two kinds of test Unit tests and integration tests Unit tests should be typified by doctrst - explanatory, covering the developers thought processes when building this And also by hypothesis- attribute based testing (passing in nulls and floats to top end of the ranges and billion character strings) Then everything else is integration testing - UI level, in through the front door. Jason just makes this easier but it builds up to become the operational level feedback - you cannot do operational testin gwithout building integration tests up and up. And integration tests should be runnable from any env Se feynmanns description of engine based testing Nose is the standard for Python testing. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8054512/anyone-know-how-nosetests-m-i-and-e-work https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/nose-users/1IGF0xliWiA Sphinx and DocTests