======= webtest ======= Testing a WSGI server - http://wsgi.readthedocs.org/en/latest/learn.html Testing the whole thing Locally On HTTP Load test Let us imagine we have a nice wsgi app. Lets imagine it is a Flask app. We want to test that the "hello world" actually returns hello world. >>> from flask import Flask >>> app = Flask("myapp") >>> wapp = app.wsgi_app :: def build_environ(): """ We are playing at a low level with WSGI - wanting to wrap repoze. http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0333/ To test manually we need to generate correct HTTP Headers """ import StringIO request_fo = StringIO.StringIO() err_fo = StringIO.StringIO() ###wsgi reqd keys and default valus wsgi_specific_headers = {"wsgi.version": (1,0), "wsgi.url_scheme": "http", "wsgi.input": request_fo, "wsgi.errors": err_fo, "wsgi.multithread": False, "wsgi.multiprocess": False, "wsgi.run_once": False } ### key = HEADER (RFCLOC, NOTNULL, validvalues) HTTP_HEADERS = {"REQUEST_METHOD": "GET", "SCRIPT_NAME": "module", "PATH_INFO": "/cnxmodule:1234/", "QUERY_STRING": "", "CONTENT_TYPE": "", "CONTENT_LENGTH": "", "SERVER_NAME": "", "SERVER_PORT": "80", "SERVER_PROTOCOL": "HTTP/1.1" } d = {} d.update(wsgi_specific_headers) d.update(HTTP_HEADERS) return d