Using AWS Route53 for my DNS

I would like to be more “developer-y” about my DNS management. For a very long time I have used the UK supplier, and just been OK with doing my A-Record updates with a web interface. But I have good reasons and bad to move to using AWS’ route53 to manage all my DNS / Nameserver needs, so I should use the command line.

#Assume we have set up access credentials in ~/.aws/credentials >>> import boto3 >>> client = boto3.client(‘route53’) >>> client.list_hosted_zones() ... {‘HostedZones’: [{‘CallerReference’: ‘81B9609D-A570-FB70-8764-622A299A5E13’, ‘Config’: {‘PrivateZone’: False}, ‘Id’: ‘/hostedzone/Z37ZH240XSI8D6’, ‘Name’: ‘’, ‘ResourceRecordSetCount’: 6}, ...

OK, I can see which zones AWS is acting as nameserver for. Now I need a HostedZone id - thats the CallerReference I think,

Then I can manipulate this domain and add A and mx records.

client = boto3.client(‘route53’)

def add_cname_record(source, target):

response = client.change_resource_record_sets( HostedZoneId=’<hosted zone id>’, ChangeBatch= {

‘Comment’: ‘add %s -> %s’ % (source, target), ‘Changes’: [


‘Action’: ‘UPSERT’, ‘ResourceRecordSet’: {

‘Name’: source, ‘Type’: ‘CNAME’, ‘TTL’: 300, ‘ResourceRecords’: [{‘Value’: target}]




I need to amnipulate Type etc.

How to add a zone in first place???

Use the darfn console. I will find out later.

Then repoint the DNS

Adding a domain

>>> c = boto3.client('route53domains')
>>> c
<botocore.client.Route53Domains object at 0x7f6ae169f828>
>>> c.list_domains()
{'Domains': [],

So at the moment I have no domains registered with AWS. No this is domain registration - as you can see my domain I want to transfer in is not avaul. Because easily is my registrar.

>>> c.check_domain_availability(DomainName='')
{'Availability': 'UNAVAILABLE',

So I have a plan - register the zones in AWS, then transfer domains in