Writing a simple WSGI app

WSGI Server

WSGI is an amazingly cool ... idea. It just reminds you that all web servers are doing is passing text strings up and down a request/response cycle. Remeber CGI? Its still that simple.

(all WSGI stuff in here)


What should have happend?

start_response probably should have been left out, and ... well thats the hard part - you need to be able to send back up the chain a stream of bytes (body) and a environ / header dict So it does need two channels.

Support for non-blocking requests? A (thread) in an event-based server needs to have mechanisms for halting its own processing while an I/O event occurs, and then restarting

This leads to rewrites of pretty much everything.


An “app” is only a piece of code that calls start_response and so begins the response process.

This is how middleware can operate - by deciding if or not to respond instead of the “officially configured” app.

I think this “officially configured” app is also the source of much confusion.:

>>> from doctest2.doclit import doclit
... def paul_app(environ, start_response):
...     """ """
...     #do something with environ
...     resp_headers = {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}
...     start_response("200 OK",
...     return "Hello World"

Serving the app

>>> from waitress import serve
... serve(paul_app)

Adjusting a environ on way in


Adjusting environ on way out


Setting and unsetting cookies


Secure cookies

Some people think that secure cookies is about encrypting the text on the cookie so bad guys cannot read it. Frankly, this is nonsense. You will make a mistake, and they will read it. So we have an issue - which is faster an in-memory redis lookup or a decryption of a really secure piece of text.

This looks like an interesting test...